Hey, it's me, that girl katie, LOVE IS POPPIN! Here is a fun and easy valentine for your kids.

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Hey, it's me, that girl katie, LOVE IS POPPIN! Here is a fun and easy valentine for your kids.
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Hey, it's me, that girl katie,
When I was a kid, my sister and I each received a pair of these snowshoes. We were living in Vail, CO at the time. I remember wearing them as we went to cut down our Christmas tree off of the Vail Pass. Although, what I really remember was my sister and I getting into an argument and my face being baptized in the snow which I probably deserved since I was the younger annoying sister.
Recently, my mom was cleaning out & found the snowshoes and asked if I wanted my pair. Yes! Absolutely!
I live in Jackson Hole, WY and knew they would be perfect somewhere in my house. I am also a sucker for things that have a story behind them.
At the time I really didn't know what I was going to do with them. I had tossed around the idea of putting in a wall with French doors in the loft area of our house, which is my office space. However, my husband had concerns that it might change the look of our house. After convincing him it wouldn't, we moved forward with the wall plan and I knew that turning the snowshoes into sconces framing the French doors would really complete the new/old space. But I knew I had to outsource the transformation of the snowshoes to a local welder with an electrical certification. (Heart Four Ironworks)
The snowshoe scones really make the space shine while also adding a simple & rustic western element to the area. I imagine by adding the wall we increased the value of our house while creating some much-needed privacy for myself.
Not every design decision works out how you might imagine it, but for this project I am so happy I followed my design instinct.
Hey, it's me, that girl katie, Happy Friday!
So, if you have been following along this week maybe you are curious the gift I gave my mom this holiday season?
I had finished all my holiday shopping except for something for my mom. Sure I could go out and buy a nice scarf, book or food item but for me that wasn't going to cut it. I am a believer in, if you don't know what to get someone then don't. It's that simple and sometimes, less really is more. Plus, I knew the only thing my mom wanted is for everyone to be healthy and happy but sadly stores don't sell that.
I was really ok with not giving her anything and I knew she would be fine with that too. However, I managed to do some creative research and discovered this picture.
I knew I could pull this gift idea off but finding the time would be tricky since Christmas was quickly approaching.
Here is how my version turned out & a few examples of what I put into the envelopes:
(notice how I copied a picture of my mom and placed it beside the Queen Mum)
TIP: Allow yourself more time to really be creative.
. markers . envelopes . paper . scissors . glue . tape . old pictures . computer & printer
Hey, it's me, that girl katie, Do you remember my Lamp DIY Disaster? Here is the link of that post: http://www.thatgirlkatie.com/?p=753 Since I still had the lampshade that houses the electrical wiring to make the lamp work all I needed to do was find a perfect base.
This summer while vacationing at my families cabin which happens to be my favorite place in the world I spotted a vintage Stanley thermos. I knew it would make the perfect solution to my lamp DIY disaster. Plus, it also houses a lot of awesome memories. But first, I had to get the "OK" that I could have it. After an intense review panel, I was indeed allowed to claim the thermos as mine.
When I got home, I took the thermos to a local welder to cut a circle in the top of the base so the wiring would fit into the lid of the Stanley thermos.
For me, decorating is all about mixing old items that have history with new functional items. I love this lamp and couldn't have purchased something so special. So, making the effort of piecing this together was completely worth my time and imagine it will be a family heirloom for many decades.
Do you have any items that you have transformed into beautiful oops pieces?
Hey y'all, it's me, that girl katie, I imagine everyone is busy shopping for the holidays. I have a book that you might want to consider adding to your shopping list.
Last week I volunteered to read a book and create a craft project to go along with the theme of the book to my daughters Kindergarten class. She and I decided that I would read, The Gift of Nothing. We both love this book and with all of the gifts that may enter your home during this holiday season, we thought this was perfect timing for a perfect message.
Supplies for the "Gift of Nothing" craft project: - little gift boxes with handles so they can be a holiday decoration if desired - white paper board - colored paper board - double sided tape - markers
Tips: -I cut out all people so kids could concentrate on coloring them -I cut out all word bubbles -I choose double sided tape to avoid having to use glue that take time to dry -I wrote the title of the book on the front of each box along -I wrote on the back of the box a line from the book "but me and you"
Here are some pictures of the craft project. They all turned out so great.
Also, thank you for following my blog as I am still trying to figure out how to blog on top of all other daily duties.